22 Apr 2018

#353 Fly abroad with your dreams

Fly abroad with your dreams

We all have read these famous quotations of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, who is regarded as missile man of India several times.
“Dream is not what you see in sleep, a dream is something that doesn’t let you sleep.”
“Look at the sky, we are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work.”
Dreams play a vital role in transforming your thoughts/ideas to reality with the help of hard work and dedication. You all have thousands of dreams deep inside yourself. Similar you all have at least once dreamed of flying to a foreign land for the purpose of pursuing higher education or work. Studying or working abroad comes with a whole set of challenges. These challenges can be due to the difficulties in passport validity, visa applications, and country regulation details.  Sometimes, it becomes quite difficult to meet the requirement of the reputed universities. Some of the universities demand the English proficiency tests and it becomes mandatory to clear the test with flying colours.
Pearson India is taking the initiative to make one of the steps in the journey easy by introducing PTE academic English Test which would help you to move to abroad for either study, work or immigration. This is world’s leading computer-based English Test.  All you need to develop proper strategies to clear the test with a good score at hand.
Benefits of this English test cannot be ignored-
       i.            Tests are conducted globally over 360 days of the year, in over 200 test centers around the world which provides an easy access to the candidates to appear in the test. The test is scheduled for three hours.
     ii.            The test is fast and secure. The test is scored by computer so it doesn’t matter where test takers come from or what they look like, PTE Academic only tests their English skills irrespective of the place where the candidate has appeared the test.
  iii.            This test is widely accepted and recognized by reputed universities,   including 100% of Australian, New Zealand, and Irish universities. 96% of UK universities, a growing number of universities in the USA and Canada, Universities in Europe and Asia delivering courses in English. This is approved by the Australian and New Zealand Governments for all student visa and migration applications and accepted by an increasing number of professional bodies.
  iv.            There is unlimited score referrals. Candidates can send their scores to an unlimited number of institutions without additional fees via their secure online account which is quite beneficial.
Sections of this test is given below with 20 questions-
Section 1: Speaking and writing
Section 2: Reading
Section 3: Listening
This section consists of individual questions such as multiple choice questions with many answers and multiple choice questions with single answer. Each question has to be answered within a particular time limit.

So start with the preparation with the subsidies provided by the academy.
1.     Preparation materials for free – Free test taker handbook is available in 7 languages with an online tutorial providing a detailed overview of the test. One can prepare for the test with a combination of free skills videos or an unattempted practice test.
2.     Preparation book– The Official Guide to PTE Academic includes over 200 practice questions, analysis of sample responses and test-taking tips. Test takers can see if they are ready for PTE Academic with authentic practice, comprehensive guidance, and strategies for dealing with every task in the test.
3.     Test preparation courses – One can visit the website for a list of PTE Academic preparation courses delivered by private language schools.
4.     Advanced Preparation– Test takers can achieve their goals sooner and save money when they purchase online preparation packs allowing them to practice at home. These include a fully scored practice test that tells test takers when they are ready to book a full test.

PTE Academics is scored on the Global Scale of English a granular scale from 10-90. The score report includes candidate’s overall score incorporating communication skill scores and enabling skill scores.
Here is a list of universities where PTE score is accepted-
Elite Education, Argentina
Institute Rosario Idiomas
Union Institute of Language, Australia
Unipath Colleges Australia
University of Queensland
University of Southern
Queensland University of Southern
Queensland University of Sunshine
Coast Wide Bay Institute of TAFE  
Australian Adelaide
 International College
Bradford College Carnegie
Mellon University Australia
Institute of Technology,
Carlow Institute of Technology, Tralee
 Letterkenny Institute of Technology Limerick
 Institute of Technology Maynooth University
Bradford College of Management
Bradford Regional College
Brit College
PTE Academic is accepted by thousands of organizations worldwide, including prestigious institutions such as Stanford University, Harvard University, and Imperial College London. PTE Academic is also accepted for visa purposes by the Australian and New Zealand government.
So, solution to the problem is here only. You need to book the slot for the test and the result will be declared within 5 business days.
Fulfill your dream to fly to abroad with PTE Academics.
Wish you all the best for your endeavor.
 Please follow the link for the test: PTE Practice Test
Sweta Sarangi

6 Apr 2018

#351 The preciousness of human life

Preciousness of human life
One evening, there was a power outage in my hostel. Most of the inhabitants of the hostel had been away. I was doing some important work.
As soon as the darkness of the surrounding grew stronger wrapped up with the silent demeanor of the empty hostel, I started reflecting on the passage of time inspired by the sound of ticking of the wall clock which only broke the prevalent pin-dropped silence.
Below is the article that I wrote in my diary. Being always inspired by the beauty of numbers, I tried to quantify the essence of preciousness of human existence which often gets marred by the lack of awareness of it.
Think of preciousness of a human life!
Image result for Bhagvad Gita Krishna and Arjuna
Once Krishna told Arjun that a soul takes form of different species in 84,00,00,000 births to obtain the body of a human being.
Aren't the acronyms YOLO (you only live once) and YODO(you only die once)true in context of the birth of a human being?
We get a set of 86,400 seconds each day.
In a year we get 86400*365=3,15,36,000 seconds .
Supposing the average life expectancy of a man to be around 70years.

So, in a lifetime, he will get  seconds……............................................ (1)

Oops..here I've not taken into account the additional days that are given in leap years.
In a lifetime of 70 years, one can expect an additional days of 17.5 (due to leap years), so, 17.5*86400=15,12,000 seconds ….. ...............................................................................(2)
From (1) and (2)
The total number of seconds that one gets in his life time is 2.209032(10)^9 seconds

“Don't wait .The time will never be just right”- Napoleon Hill
Aren't these enough to accomplish what we want in our lives? Do we need more lives?
Remember to get one life of human being, your soul will have to traverse through the lives of 84,00,00,000 species.
After realising the above points , How can we ever feel
1) defeated because we failed in different examinations?
2) low because someone broke our trust or someone cheated us in relationship?
3) weak because of struggling through different aspects of life?
4) dejected because the interviewer of company for which we appeared did not select us?
5) humiliated because someone behaved rudely with us?
6) neglected because we did not get the acknowledgement for the work we put our utmost efforts into?
7) lost because no one believed in us?
Just think about the extent of largeness of a number as big as 84,00,00,000!
I'll conclude this discussion by following lines which I want you to think deeply whenever you feel low or down for any reason. I’m sure that the next moment will be a moment of enlightenment for you.
You are nothing but a soul wrapped up in a physical body. You are a part of that brave ,patient, infallible, indomitable , indefatigable soul which has travelled through the lives 84,00,00,000 species to acquire your body!
Whenever I feel down or lost (be it for any reason mostly external), I try to just realise the essence of what I wrote then.
Sometimes , it’s the lack of something which makes its presence beautiful.
Never had I know that the darkness or lack of electricity can let some of the most powerful philosophical thoughts to come into existence!
 ©Swati Sarangi